Daftar 100 Great Movies Sepanjang Masa

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Daftar 100 Great Movies Sepanjang Masa
Inilah Jambi – Daftar 100 Great Movies adalah film-film terkenal sejak tahun lampau. Inilah Jambi merangkum 100 film terkenal tersebut dari berbagai sumber.
Berikut daftar 100 Great Movies yang dapat anda tonton bersama keluarga di waktu senggang:
1. Bronson
2. District 9
3. The Machinist
4. Fight Club
5. The Shawshark Redemption
6. Timecrimes
7. The Usual Suspects
8. There Will Be Blood
9. The Dark Knight
10. Saving Private Ryan
11. Goodfellas
12. Triangle
13. The Matrix
14. Equilibirium
15. Event Horizon
16. First Blood
17. The Lord Of The Ring: The Fellowship Of the Ring
18. The Lord Of The Ring: The Two Towers
19. The Lord Of The Ring: The Return of The King
20. 12 Monkeys
21. Kick Ass
22. The Shining
23. The Thing (1982)
24. The Princess Bride
25. India Jones and The Raiders of The Lost Ark
26. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
27. Indiana Jones And The Templew of Doon
28. 1408
29. Super Troopers
30. Clerks
31. The Mist
32. Fear And LoathingIn Las Vegas
33. Stepehen King’s IT
34. Groundhog Day
35. Full Metal Jacket
36. The Goonles
37. Alien
38. Aliens
39. Trick’t Treat
40. Matchstick Men
41. Moon
42. Ferris Bueler’s Day off
43. Dazed And Confused
44. Escape From Alcatraz
45. The Big Lebowski
46. Braveheart
47. Galdiator
48. Starship Troopers
49. Animal House
50. 300
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51. Cube
52. The Breakfast Club
53. The Green Mile
54. Tge Truman Show
55. The Never Ending Story
56. The Godfather
57. American History X
58. Good WIll Hunting
59. Seraching for Bobby Fischer
60. The Rock
61. Back to The Future
62. The Fifth Elelement
63. Catch Me If You Can
64. The Social network
65. Cool Hand Luke
66. Stand By Me
67. Inception
68. Silece of The Lambs
69. Casino Royale (2006)
70. Reservoir Dogs
71. Pulp Fiction
72. Ocean’s Eleven
73. The Sixth Sense
74. Misery
75. Minority Report
76. Duel
77. Cast Away
78. Iron Man
79. Tremors
80. Donnie Darko
81. A Nightmare on Elm Street
82. The Profesional
83. ACloclwork Orange
84. Sling Blade
85. Stepehen King’s Rose Red
86. Sherlock Holmes
87. The Orphanage
88. American Psycho
89. Star Trek (2009)
90. Falling Down
91. Boondock Saints
92. Strom of The Century
93. Drag Me To Hell
94. Inglourious Basterds
95. Vanilla Sky
96. Forrest Gump
97. Let The Right One in
98. Die Hard
99. Jet Li’s Fearless